Mark A. Post is a senior lecturer (associate professor) at the University of York. He has been working at the University of York since 2019. He worked at the University of Strathclyde from 2014 to 2019 (with the "The Space Mechatronic Systems Technology" Laboratory in the Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management ). He is also the founder of SPACE INNOVATION ROBOTICS LTD. He received his B.A.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto in 2004, and his M.Sc. in ultrasonic material analysis and Ph.D. in space robotics from York University, Canada in 2008 and 2014 respectively. His research focuses on the development of fully autonomous planetary rovers and nanosatellites, which involves development of a multitude of highly-integrated control and communications systems that allow intelligent and efficient autonomous operation. He was awarded three EU grants (InFuse, MOSAR and STARFAB) in the last ten years. He reviews for international journals including IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics and Mechatronics, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Advances in Space Research, Sensors, MDPI, Acta Astronautica and so on.
I am currently looking for motivated Master students, Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers in the areas of sensor fusion for space robotics, probabilistic machine learning and reasoning for robotics, deep learning for satellites' FPGA based real time embedded acceleration, dynamics and control of spacecraft and space robotics, and structural design and mobility for planetary rover.
STARFAB (2024-2026)
STARFAB is a Horizon Europe funded project to develop a Space Warehouse Concept and Ecosystem to Energize European in-space Assembly and Manufacturing.
MOSAR: MOdular Satellite Assembly and Reconfiguration (H2020)
MOSAR is a Horizon 2020 funded project to develop a sound technology demonstrator of on-orbit modular satellite reconfiguration relying on robotic capabilities and exploiting the outcomes of previous Space Robotics SRC building blocks. MOSAR shall elaborate and refine the concept of Modular Spacecraft, identify and recommend standards and design the ground and space infrastructure elements that will enable its realisation and sustain its progressive deployment and economical exploitation.
RoboFish: Autonomous Biomimetic Robot-fish for Offshore Wind Farm Inspection (EPSRC)
RoboFish is an autonomous, bio-mimetic AUV capable of navigation about dense and moving underwater structures for the propose of continuously and autonomously locating and monitoring structural damage to Offshore Renewable Energy infrastructure such as floating wind farms. The project is funded by the Supergen ORE Hub, and partners in this project are University of Strathclyde, PicSea Ltd, East Coast Oil and Gas Engineering Ltd.
Control methods for flexible and bio-inspired superlight tensegrity rovers: ARIA-VENUS ROVER
Autonomous Robotics vehicles for planetary exploration must be responsive, energy efficient, lightweight for transport, and mechanically robust. To accomplish these goals, a small rover platform driven by the need for light weight, simplicity and reconfigurability is being developed with a minimalist mechanical structure and a flexible software design model to facilitate additions and multiple use cases. The advantages of this platform are resilience and transportability due to the low mass thin structural members of the tensegrity spine chassis, and the combined adaptability of wheeled and full-body movement. The use of flexible and distributed structures allows the rover to better adapt physically to complex and varied terrains such as those encountered on Martian slopes. We have a tensegrity rover prototype that students can work on by testing out new actuators, control methods, and payload tasks, in addition to the possibility of students testing out new forms of flexible and tensegrity robots.
Thickness AI (Innovate UK)
This project led by Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. (Canada) with with Peacock Technology Limited, University of York and University of Strathclyde (UK) titled “Development of Thickness Control using AI Controls for Blown Film Air Ring”. Develop an auto-profile airing system controlled by Artificial Intelligent software designed to improve gauge uniformity in blown film extrusion equipment.
InFuse: Infusing Sensor Fusion Into Space Robotics
InFuse is a European Horizon 2020 funded project in which a consortium of expert companies and organisations have developed a novel Common Data Fusion Framework (CDFF) for the Space Robotic Technologies Strategic Research Cluster (SRC).
Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions (SIROM)
SIROM is another project in the Horizon 2020 Space Robotics SRC in which a standard mechanical, electrical, and thermal interface between robotic space systems has been developed.
Agribot: Newtons Fund
The Agribot: Autonomous, repeatable sensing for improving crop yields and farm field monitoring
Development and Evaluation of Helmholtz Cage for Nanosatellite Evaluation
Ontario Science Centre Nanosatellite Exhibitions 2012
York University Rover Team
Science Rendezvous 2008 Rover Demonstration
Ultrasonic Analysis of Stress Patterns in Welded Metals